Teaching Philosophy
Course Evaluations
Sample Syllabus
Artifact of Teaching Initiative
My main objective as an educator is to facilitate students’ learning as they build on their prior knowledge and construct new knowledge webs that enable them to be life-long learners. I believe that learners need safe and stimulating learning environment where they can grow in all aspects of life. Teaching, in my view, is an opportunity of continuous growth and learning for both the instructor and the students. There are elements that I believe are crucial in establishing enriching learning environment. These include, (1) teacher’s role, (2) learner’s role (3) responding to current instructional strategies in addition to educational technology.
Teacher’s Role:
Research has shown the importance of teacher knowledge in terms of subject matter, pedagogy and educational technology. In my view, an effective teacher is the one who has adequate teacher knowledge, dedicated to teaching, comfortable with subject matter, employ a variety of teaching styles, has empathy for students, engage students and enhance learners’ sense of belonging. I have realized that I get job satisfaction by fulfilling the aforementioned attributes of an effective teacher. I believe in student-centered learning environment that takes cognizant of the idea that every learner is unique and brings a variety of experiences and knowledge that need to be acknowledged. The instructor’s role becomes that of a facilitator who guides and provides access to information rather than being a source of the information. As an instructor, it is important to cultivate an environment where everyone’s ideas are respected and where individual needs are met. Students need an environment that challenges their prior knowledge and enable them to build on their out-of-school knowledge as they form new knowledge and skills.
Learner’s Role:
Constructivist learning theory when implemented well can enhance students’ learning. I believe that learning environments should enable students to construct their own knowledge. It is important for learners to develop respect for themselves, peers, society and the environment. This is partly achieved by encouraging students to listen and value their peers’ contributions during classroom discussions. I encourage students to be responsible for their learning by completing tasks and participating in class activities. I encourage student to share their thoughts without fear of being judged. As a result, I make my student aware that they should not worry about the accuracy of their contributions because all contributions provide opportunities to learn.
Educational Technology:
Teaching and learning need to be cognizant of the global village we are in today. Where appropriate, I model technology integration in classroom activities. With the ever-changing technological world, I try to keep an open mind of technological advances that may help to make learning more accessible to all learners. My experience with educational technology is that it may enable facilitators and students to do activities that would be otherwise be impossible or too expensive to do without technology. For example, when my students and I participated in Case-It! Project, learners were able to simulate HIV tests and PCR that would be otherwise impossible to carry-out in a laboratory considering the costs involved. Additionally, online chats and discussions may enable students who are quiet to actively post their ideas they would otherwise not openly share in a face-to-face learning environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed educators to try educational technologies to enhance students learning remotely. Hence the need for educators to be self directed learners who continuously seek technologies that enhance learning.