Manuscripts under review
Manokore, V., Nelson J, & Carvalho C. (under review). Supporting students’ wellbeing through a virtual resilience application during COVID-19 pandemic
Kuntz, J & Manokore, V. (in preparation). Using COI framework to unpack learning experiences during COVID-19 pandemic.
Peer Reviewed Publication
Kuntz, J., & Manokore, V. (2022). “I Did Not Sign Up For This”: Student Experiences of the Rapid Shift from In-person to Emergency Virtual Remote Learning During the COVID Pandemic. Higher Learning Research Communications, 12 (0) 110-146. DOI:10.18870/hlrc.v12i0.1316
Manokore, V. & Kuntz, J. (2022). TPACK Tried and Tested: Experiences of Post-Secondary Educators During COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 16 (2) article 14, 1-14
Ferreira, M., Manokore, V. & Gray, M (2022). Exploratory Study for the Development of a Survey on Learning Team Process, Impact, and Tutor’s Role (PIT) in Facilitating Online Learning. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy 3(2) 18-26. https://www.ej DOI: 10.24018/ejedu.2022.3.2.258
Manokore, V., & Kuntz, J., (2022). Replication or reinvention: Educators’ narratives on teaching in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Higher Learning Research Communications, 12(1), 1–27.
Manokore, V., & McRae D. (2021). Revolutionizing Learning Environments with Guerrilla Pedagogy in Large Classes. Journal of Practical Nurse Education and Practice, 1(1) 31-52. DOI:
Nelson J, Manokore V*, Carvalho C., Boucher C., & Kallio S. (2020). Affordances and Constraints of Virtual Healthcare: Students’ Experiences Accessing Online Physician. International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practice 7: 327. *author for correspondence
Manokore, V., Mah, J. & Ali, F. (2019). Factors that influence Students’ Experiences and Engagement in Practical Nursing. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 65(2)
Manokore, V., Rosalia, G.I., Ali, F., Letersky, S., Piadu, I.O. & Palmer-Virgo, L. (2018). Crossing the ‘Ascent to Competence’ borders into Privileged Belongingness Space: Practical Nursing Students’ Experiences in Clinical Practice. Canadian Journal of Educational Research. 51(2) 94-104.
Crosta, L., Manokore, V., Gray, M (2016). From an Online Cohort Towards a Community of Inquiry: International Students’ Interaction Patterns in an Online Doctorate Program. Journal of Interactive Online Learning 14(2), 45-57.
Ali, F. & Manokore V., (2016). Translation of Knowledge and Skills from Controlled Learning Environment to Clinical Practice. International Journal of Nursing Education 8(1), 113- 117.
Manokore, V. (2014). Practical Nursing Students’ Conceptions about Some Anatomy and Physiology Concepts: What Do They Bring Onto the Table? Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences 3(7), 186-194.
Manokore, V., Williams, M. and Gwekwerere, Y. (2014). Students’ Resemblance Theory: A Framework for Unpacking Students’ Conceptions about Mendelian Inheritance. Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences 3(7), 179-185.
Gwekwerere, Yovita N, Mushayikwa, Emmanuel, & Manokore, V. (2013). Empowering Teachers to become Change Agents through the Science Education In-Service Teacher Training Project in Zimbabwe. Canadian and International Education /Education canadienne et internationale: 42(2), Article 3.
Manokore, V. & Williams, M. (2012). Middle School Students’ Reasoning about Biological Inheritance: Students’ Resemblance Theory. International Journal of Biology Education 2(1) 1-31.
Williams, M., Montgomery, B. L. & Manokore, V. (2012). From Phenotype to Genotype: Exploring Middle School Students’ Understandings of Genetic Inheritance in a Web- based Environment. The American Biology Teacher, 74(1) 35-40.
Richmond, G. & Manokore, V. (2011). Identifying elements critical for functional and sustainable professional learning communities. Science Education, 95 (3), 543-570.
Shumba, O., Kaziboni, T., Manokore, V., Chakuchichi, D., Mhondoro, K., Silitshena, P., Sango, G., Dhlomo, T., & Dube, R. (2005). Learning Opportunities and Gaps Concerning Growing-up and Sexual maturation in the Primary School Syllabuses in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, (ZJRE), 17 (2), 115-136. DOI: 10.4314/zjer.v17i2.26060
Shumba, O., Manokore, V., Silitshena, P., Sango, G., Dhlomo, T., & Mhondoro, K. (2005). Analysis of Learning Opportunities and Gaps in the Teacher Education Curriculum on Growing-up and Sexual Maturation. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, (ZJRE), 17(2), 137-164. DOI: 10.4314/zjer.v17i2.26061
Shumba, O., Kaziboni, T., Manokore, V., Chakuchichi, D., Silitshena, P., Sango, G., Dhlomo, T. & Dube, R. (2005). Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes about Growing-up and Sexual Maturation Among primary School Children. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, (ZJRE), 17(2), 165-191. DOI: 10.4314/zjer.v17i2.26062
Chakuchichi, D., Shumba, O., Manokore, V. & Dhlomo, T. (2005). Growing-up and Sexual Maturation and the Culture of Silence Surrounding Disability in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, (ZJRE), 17(2), 192-211. DOI:10.4314/zjer.v17i2.26063
Shumba, O., Kaziboni, T., Manokore, V. & Chakuchichi, D. (2005). Stakeholder Construction of Interpretative Framework for a Growing-up and Sexual Maturation Oriented Curriculum. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, (ZJRE), 17(2), 212-233. DOI: 10.4314/zjer.v17i2.26064
Manokore, V. Chavhunduka, K., Fumhanda, C., Joko, F., Mupezeni, S. & Musademba, D. (2004). Utilization of resources at Science and Mathematics Centres in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 16(1), 1-12.
Manokore, V. & Reiss, M.J. (2003). Pupils’ drawings of what’s inside themselves. A case study in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, (ZJRE), 15(1), 28-43.
Reiss, M.J., Tunnicliffe, S.D., Anderson, A.M., Bartoszeck, A., Carvalho, G.S., Chen, S., Jarman, R., Jonsson, S., Manokore, V., Marchenko, N., Mulemwa, J., Novika, T., Otuka, J., Teppa, S. & Rooy, W.V. (2002). International Study of Young People’s Drawings of What is Inside Themselves. Journal of Biological Education. 36 (2) 58-64.
Manokore, V., Murahwa, F.C. & Chirebvu, E. (2000). Absence of insecticide Resistance in Anopheles gambiae s. l. (Diptera: Culicidae) After Four Decades of Residual House Spraying in Gokwe District, Zimbabwe. Journal of Medical Entomology. 37 (2): 268- 288. DOI: 10.1603/0022-2585-37.2.286
Lukwa, N. & Manokore, V. (1999). Biological Activity of Permethrin, Phenolthrin/Allerthrin and D-Phenothrin on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica cockroaches. East African Medical Journal. 74 (4), 41-43.
Kuntz, J & Manokore, V (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 in Post-Secondary Learning and Teaching: Lessons for Educators and Institutions. Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association (ACIFA) Conference. May 8-10 2022. Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
Manokore, V. & McRae, D. (2022). Guerrilla Tactics in Large Classes. Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association (ACIFA) Conference. May 8-10 2022. Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
Kuntz, J & Manokore, V (2022). The Emergency Remote Teaching Experience - Lessons for Educational Developers. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Educational Developers Caucus 2022 Virtual Conference. February 23-24, 2022. University of Waterloo, Ontario
Manokore, V. & McRae, D. (2020). Disruptive Pedagogy: Guerrilla Tactics in Large Classes. 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20) Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Val`encia, Spain. p139-145 DOI:
Manokore, V. et al . (2019). Learning to teach in simulated environment and its implications to practice: Reflections of nurse educators. Canadian Association of Practical Nurse Educators (CAPNE) Conference Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct 22 – 24.
Manokore, V., Rosalia, G. I., Ali, F., Letersky, S., Piadu, I. O., & Palmer-Virgo, L. (2019). Students’ Experiences in Clinical Education. Canadian Association of Practical Nurse Educators (CAPNE) Conference Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct 22 – 24,
Gray, M., Crosta, L., Manokore, V. & Edwards, A. (2018). Critical Elements perceived by online doctoral students that enable formation of a learning community of inquiry. ICERI 2018 Proceedings, pp. 4419-4428.
Gray, M., Edwards, A., Crosta, L., Manokore, V., Anderson, B., Hague, C., Ferreria, M., & Kennedy, E., (2018). Learning in virtual teams- Discovering best practice. ICERI2018 Proceedings, pp. 4411-4418.
Mah, J., Manokore, V. & Ali, F. (2016). Engagement, belongings & experiences of students in the practical nursing program. Canadian Association of Practical Nurse Educators (CAPNE) conference Oct 11-13, St. John’s, Newfoundland,
Crosta, L., Manokore, V., & Gray, M. (2015). Exploring the development of authentic online learning communities in an EdD program. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) virtual conference 29- 30 October 2015. University of Hagen (Fern Universität in Hagen) Germany
Crosta, L., Manokore, V., & Gray, M. (2015). Do online cohorts evolve into authentic learning communities of inquiry? A case of the EdD cohort student in the EdD program. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) virtual conference, 16-18 November 2015, Seville, Spain
Gray M., Crosta, L., Ferreira, M. & Manokore, V (2015). Am I where I want to be? Online Doctoral Students’ Sense of Belongingness. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) virtual conference, Nov 16-18, Seville, Spain
Williams, M., Manokore, V., & Trotman, A. (2010). High Impact of technology- enhanced inquiry instruction on upper-elementary and middle school students’ science achievement. Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA.
Manokore, V & Richmond, G. (2010). Membership to a Teacher Professional Learning Community: A Stimulus for Teacher Movement from Central to Periphery. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Philadelphia, PA.
Manokore, V. & Richmond, G. (2009). Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Community-Based Professional Development: A model for sustaining reform-based science teaching in urban settings. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Garden Grove, CA
Griffin, A. & Manokore, V. (2009). Effects of various levels of scaffolding on 7th grade students' science learning of heredity. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF), Michigan State University, MI
Manokore, V., Lundeberg, M. A., Foster, A. N., Kang, H., & Bjorn, B. (2007). Engaging our differences through computer conferencing: Cross-cultural interaction about HIV/AIDS issues within a case-based multimedia environment. Comparative and International Education Society. 51st Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Lundeberg, M. A. & Manokore, V. (2006). Secondary and Post-Secondary Problem Based Learning. NGS/LARC Literacy Institute July 12 2006.
Foster, A., Manokore, V., Phillips, M., Lundeberg, M., Gwekwerere, Y., Bergland, M. & Klyczek, K. (2006). Understanding, Confidence, Perceptions, Constraints, and Affordances within a Case-Based Multimedia Environment. In E. Pearson & P. Bohman (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006 (pp. 2533-2540). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Foster, A., Gwekerere, Y., Phillips, M. M., Lundeberg, M., Manokore, V., Bergland, M., Klyczek, K., & Jang, S. (2005, September). The World as a Global Village: The Effects of International, Multimedia Case -based Learning on US and African Science Students’ Perspectives on the relevance of HIV/AIDS. Midwestern Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). East Lansing, Michigan.
Chavhunduka, K., Fumhanda, C., Joko, F., Manokore, V., Mupezeni, S. & Musademba, D. (2002). Usefulness of Science and Maths Centres in Zimbabwe. 10th SAARMSTE Conference. Durban, South Africa, 45-50.
Manokore, V., Tsvigu, C. & Gwekwerere, Y. (2000). University Student Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards Contextualized Science and Mathematics Lectures. 8th SAARMSE Conference. Port Elizabeth, South Africa.